The King’s House School, Windsor welcomes 20 children from 12 families to commence their education.
DfE Registered
Following a successful inspection, The King’s House School, Windsor is formally registered as an independent school with the Department for Education with a capacity of 32 pupils.
OFSTED Inspection
OFSTED inspector visits King’s House to assess the future KCI school to be known as The King’s House School, Windsor.
KCI meet with Local Authority
KCI school planners and teachers meet with Early Years Development Officers from the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead.
King's Church International write to the Department for Education
King's Church International send a formal application to the Department for Education to register a new independent school. The application includes details about school premises, curriculum and numerous policies.
Parents Register Interest
Following an open evening about the future school, interested parents register the names of 38 pupils up to the age of secondary school students.
Tuition Group Launched
In preparation for opening a school, KCI began a tuition group at King’s House with eight local children running Monday-Thursday from 9.30am-12.30pm. A Pre-school and Reception Year group is started under the guidance of a qualified primary school teacher of more than 38 years experience and a qualified nursery nurse.
Holy Trinity Church Announcement
King’s Church International announced their intention to open an independent school in front of more than 300 people at Holy Trinity Church. The new school will combine a strong Christian ethos with academic excellence and will teach character as part of the curriculum. The school will have a particular international outlook and emphasis offering languages from a young age.