2022 Material Change Visit
‘Pupils were observed to be responsible and socially integrated across all ages, playing well together and helping each other learn. They show an understanding for those who find it hard to learn, accepting that they each have strengths and weaknesses.’
‘The school implements its safeguarding arrangements effectively to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils at the school.’
‘Teaching enables pupils to make good progress according to their ability. Staff are suitably qualified and experienced and have good subject knowledge and understanding of the work being taught. Lessons are well planned, and pupils were observed to be highly motivated and industrious in their attitude to work.’
2022 Material Change Visit Report
2020 ISI Progress Monitoring Visit
“The school meets all of the requirements of the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014 and requirements of the Early Years Statutory Framework.”
A few highlights from the report include:
Pupils’ spoke with enthusiasm about their learning
Teaching enables pupils to acquire new knowledge and make good progress according to their ability
Teaching encourages pupils to be self-motivated
Teachers know the pupils well
Teaching demonstrates good understanding of the subject matter being taught
Lessons which take place during the afternoon enable all pupils to increase their understanding and develop their skills across a suitable range of subjects, including the EYFS
Principles and values are actively promoted which enables the students to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence
During discussions, pupils stated the importance of being kind to one another and accepting responsibility for their behaviour and learning
Pupils play confidently and socially
They listen respectfully, are polite and spoke assuredly
2020 Progress Monitoring Visit Report
“The school does not meet all of the required standards in the schedule to the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014.”
2019 Inspection Report
The school met 25 out of 29 sub sections under the 8 standards and is now implementing an action plan to remedy the 4 remaining requirements for a potential progress monitoring inspection in 2020.
These include: The broadening of the science curriculum, improving our team recruitment checklist, installing a water fountain in an easily accessible area and ensuring the above items are delivered and that ISI standards are fully understood and embedded in the workflows of the leadership and management team.
2017 Inspection, “The school meets all of the independent school standards that were checked during this inspection.”
2017 Inspection Report
2016 Inspection, “Parents are positive about their child’s experience at the school. All parents who responded to Ofsted’s online questionnaire, Parent View, would recommend the school.”
2016 Inspection Report
2013 Inspection, “Pupils’ behaviour and personal development are outstanding. There is a very friendly, welcoming family atmosphere within the school; pupils are very well known and cared for exceptionally well by staff.”
2013 Inspection Report