TKHSW Head Accepted as a Member of ISA


The Head Teacher of The King's House School Windsor, Lyndsey Harding, has been elected as a Member of the Independent Schools Association (ISA).

ISA exists for its Members, recognizing that high quality support is essential if Heads are to run successful schools.

The ISA is a heads’ association and founding member of the Independent Schools Council, which provides professional support to its 440 member Headteachers.

Founded in 1879, the Independent Schools Association is one of the oldest of the independent schools’ organisations. Staff of Members’ schools benefit from high quality training opportunities and access to a wide range of membership services, while pupils enjoy an extensive programme of local and national Sporting, Arts and Cultural events.

The ISA value their reputation for offering professional, practical advice and are delighted to offer an expanding range of member benefits.

For more information, please visit ISA.

How To Help The King's House School, Windsor

Fundraising has become an increasingly important for The King's House School, Windsor since the Parent Fundraising Association was founded back in February 2015 to raise funds for the School's expansion. 

The PFA have been busy organising many events including the Easter Fundraiser, which took place on Wednesday 6 April, as well as selling Easter Cards to members of King's Church International to celebrate the important occasion. 

The Easter Fundraiser was a great event, with everyone meeting at the The King's House School, Windsor to enjoy Easter eggs and hot cross buns to mark the occasion.

Mini games and face painting were also on offer with many children enjoying the entertainment. 

Some of the Parent Fundraising Association's work in the past year has been to raise funds to improve and expand the school's facilities, equipment and teaching resources. 

In recent months they have raised almost £3000 from fundraisers including the Black Tie Dinner, Pancake Day event and the Easter fundraiser. 

We are extremely grateful for the additional funds that have been raised through donations from members of King's Church International and others since the start of the Academic year.


Pancake Day Fundraiser

On Wednesday 17 February members of King's Church International, along with school staff and students gathered at The King's House School, Windsor for an exciting Pancake Day fundraiser.

It was a fantastic event, with delicious pancakes of all sorts of flavours available and everyone enjoying the many games on offer including a hoop ring challenge and penalty shoot out competition!

The event was a great success and raised almost £350.



the King's House School, Windsor - Black tie fundraiser

On the evening of Friday 13 November the Parent Fundraising Association hosted a Black Tie Dinner Dance at the Harte and Garter Hotel. 

The evening included a variety of entertainment with a live band, champagne upon arrival and an excellent three course meal.

There was also an auction with a variety of exciting prizes including sporting memorabilia, spa days and holiday homes.

The night ended with everyone heading to the dance floor to show off their moves and enjoy the live music.

It was an all round excellent evening to support a unique cause and something that I have been privileged to be part of from the start.
— Francesca Lavender, Attendee

The event was extremely successful as over £2,200 was raised through the auction, donations and ticket sales. 

The King's House School, Windsor would like to thank the Parent Fundraising Association for all their hard work in making this possible.